Somedays I wonder if I should change my job title – from “Event Planner” to Creative Solution Provider – after all, isn’t that what my clients are looking for when they hire someone in the event planning industry? I’m glad they do, because it’s one of the most rewarding aspects of my work. There’s not a day on the job that I don’t create a solution for my clients. Some small and others big.
Creativity and problem solving go hand in hand in the meeting and events world. Where some consider creativity finding the right linen or entertainment to match the theme, others see creativity on how to fit 300 people in a meeting room that only fits 100 people. I think about these situations as "opportunities" - some planned, others are not!
Planned opportunities:
The best case scenario is when a client presents an “opportunity” and we need to develop a solution, AND we have time to brainstorm. One of my clients listed a goal of “making our attendees feel extremely special.” This group regularly attends conferences and I knew that we’d have to develop something completely unique. While onsite for another meeting, I watched as the hotel staff lined up to greet a VIP on arrival. Not only were they ready to greet, they rolled out the red carpet-literally, and welcomed him as he opened his limo door and entered the hotel. A throwback to a different era, the event impressed everyone who witnessed it. We created a similar setting at the offsite venue to show the attendees they were welcomed and appreciated! It was a hit and it set the tone for a very engaging and successful event! We could deliver a truly creative solution, because we had time to plan how to address this opportunity.
Unplanned opportunities:
Now to the other end of the creativity spectrum – whether you call it a crisis, an issue, or a plain old problem, these opportunities are unplanned. Some might think these situations occur as a result of poor planning; but typically, most of these opportunities stem from what might be seen as a minor detail. What happens when the registration website isn’t charging the correct registration fee and over 100 people have registered?
“Why it happened” isn’t as important as how to resolve the situation. It’s all about recovery. Let me provide manageable and workable solutions. When a speaker runs long, we serve the afternoon coffee break in the conference room, instead of a common area down the hall. Or, if the motor coach with the Executive team gets a flat tire in route from the airport, we commandeer taxis from the hotel cab stand to fetch them ASAP. The secret to this kind of problem solving comes from “been there-done that” experience as an event planner. Experience I’ve gained through my 20 plus years as an event planner pays off for my clients today, and I’m happy to provide the expertise as part of my engagement with them.
What’s my role?
I take my role as problem solver as seriously as you take your job as business leader – some events can make (or break) a company’s goals for the year. Leave the problem solving and creative thinking to me and you focus on being the business leader.
Our tagline is Meeting Planning. Solved. Let me help create solutions for your next meeting! Send me an email – or visit our website: I can answer any questions or address concerns about working with a planner from KOB Event Solutions. Interesting conversations and initial consultations are always complimentary- let me help you get started towards achieving your event goals!